Raxus Prime (1)Full unit name: Raxus Prime
Last updated: 19.11.2023 23:25:50
Basic info
First appearance: Boba Fett : Fight to Survive (A Clone Wars Novel)
Located in: Tion Hegemony
Tion Hegemony
Known Facts (2)
Hunt for Kazdan Paratus (TFU) (2) »
Raxus Prime, once known as the Circlet of the Tion and Nikato's Shining Gem, was a waste-covered planet in the Raxus system in the Tion Hegemony
Tion Hegemony
sector of the Outer Rim Territories
The Outer Rim
. Once a beautiful world of lagoons and islands, over many centuries it became heavily-industrialized, until by the time of the Clone Wars
The Clone Wars
The Clone Wars
it had become totally covered with toxic debris and had a poisonous surface.
Raxus Prime was a highly industrial planet covered with immense factories, sealed living habitats, streams of superheated run-off water, rough-hew quarry pits, vast debris fields, and toxic lakes. Most of the planet's residents lived in sealed environments near industrial facilities where they worked. Tunnels connected living areas with work bays, storage hangars and infrastructure units. For more than twenty thousand years the planet was simply known as the garbage pit of the known Galaxy, it held many ancient secrets beneath its trash filled surface. One of which was the Force Harvester, an ancient Sith artifact that was buried deep beneath the planet's surface until it was excavated by the CIS, who later used it to reactivate the Dark Reaper, an ancient super weapon buried on the Sith world of Thule in an attempt to end the Clone Wars.
The surface was covered with junk droids that were cobbled together from the parts of the millions of discarded and broken droids left there. They followed no master and did not behave by any rules, which made the planet very dangerous. A common rumor was that the droids were working on something large so that they could escape Raxus Prime and spread out into the galaxy at large.


See also
Related events
Mission to Raxus Prime (Cold War)
Hunt for Kazdan Paratus (TFU)
Destruction of Raxus Prime Shipyards (TFU)
Complete list

Full unit name: Raxus Prime Last updated: 19.11.2023 23:25:50